TL:DR? This book helps you break down your Mission Statement into measurable goals so that you can build a clear path from 0 to 1, via your OKRs, Projects, Tasks, and Performance Management. Easily figure out what to do each day to build for success.
Why should I buy this book?
Any business that wants to achieve its goals needs a clear Strategy.
A Strategy is like the circulatory system of your business, carrying information from the top of your plan to the bottom and connecting everything in between.
It’s what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how. It’s a living, breathing part of your company that weaves together every department, every person, every Task.
It’s the detailed plan of action that takes you from the time before you’ve even opened the (physical or metaphorical) doors to your business, to the day that you’ve achieved all the goals. It’s also a big part of the power that gets you to those goals.
In short, if you want, every single day, to guarantee that you're actually completing the most important and impactful Tasks for your business and driving your company forward to its goals, then you need a Strategy.
If you're staring at a blank piece of paper or a muddle of goals and plans and OKRs an overloaded calendar and a bunch of missed deadlines wondering what the hell to do next and never quite feeling like you're making enough progress (breathe, it's going to be okay, I've got your back), then you need this book.
What will I get inside this book?
At many stages of an entrepreneurial journey, it can be hard to know what steps to take next or how to get going. Inside this book, you'll find out that it can, in fact, be quite easy.
You'll get:
✔️ My proprietary 6-Point Framework for Strategy design. I developed this over two decades at the cliff-face of company productivity and it's a clear and concise roadmap for everything that you need to do.
✔️ A detailed breakdown of each of the 6 stages in the Framework. What actually is a Mission Statement. What are Objectives and Key Results? What makes a Project a good one and how do you complete it bit by bit? How do you measure and improve Performance (even if you're a solo Founder)?
✔️ Detailed, step-by-step worksheets to help you actually implement the 6 stages of the Framework - this isn't just top-level advice that you'll read once and forget, these are accessible, practical tactics for every Entrepreneur or Leader. You'll use these worksheets constantly as you write and implement your Strategy.
✔️ Clear, unbiased, easy-to-digest information. I'm allergic to buzzwords and I've taken the time to break down and explain some start-up terminology so that everyone's on an even level.
I'm so excited for you to read this book and I can't wait to see what you build!
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